Video Production For Startups

Video Production For Startups and SAAS
Video production for startups is oftentimes far more complex than you would think. With our Explainer Video Production Service, Brainiac helps you boil down what your software does as well as showcase all of the features and value propositions. We then turn it all into a screenplay that is slick, quick, and easy to understand.
Brainiac believes that your software deserves the same level of production value, the same attention to actors and casting, and the same commercialized approach to messaging as any physical product. Book a Zoom consultation with Brainiac and let us help to find the right route to promoting your software app or start-up brand.
The secret behind excellent video production for startups
The approach to your start-up video is the first thing you need to think about. Some start-up brands make the mistake of using awful AI-generated people, cheap online cartoon templates, or other elements that do not feel as if they come from a real person or a real company.
Brainiac uses real actors to speak directly to your target audience in a way that is relatable. We boil down your product or service into slick easy to easy-to-understand bullet points, oftentimes giving it how to feel to give it a chance at some organic reach on Google and YouTube. We use slick motion graphics, and other B roll footage to help fill out the story surrounding your startup's mission, products, and vision.
Our modern approach to startup video production combined with a keen understanding of structure specifically created to push SAAS products is exactly what you need when showing.
Things you need to tell us
1. What the software does
Give us a broad overview of the software in a few sentences. Share screengrabs, links to the platform or any other resources that help us understand. We are masters at boiling down complex concepts into slick, two to three minutes demo videos and explainer videos, and are very used to turning thick pages into quick easy-to-follow videos.
2. Who the audience is
If it’s a software made for businesses, we need to know what type of companies your audience works at, what their job title is and what is their average age And gender if that is Identifiable
3. The problem your Software or app solves
Help us understand the main problems your target audience faces in their daily lives for business and how your software solves these problems
4. All of the main product features
A detailed understanding of the features for us to boil down and promote within the product
5. What makes makes you special
Help us understand how your product differs from other applications on the market. What features that set you apart from your competition? Any of the other value propositions are also helpful.
6. Branding
Brand integrity and brand voice is always important even with a new product on the market. Make sure and give us all fonts, brand colors and logos that are relevant to your new software.
7. User interface
Providing us with screen grabs of the user-interface is also typically very necessary. You can also schedule a time with the team to log us into your software and show us the different screens that we should grab for you.
How long should a startup video be?
Typically no more than three minutes. The shorter the better. YouTube, Google and other search engine and video platforms look at the percentage of the video that the average viewer watches to determine whether or not they should serve it to other people who are searching for similar topics. If you make your video long and people only watch half a minute, it will likely be hard to discover in search engine results.
If you stick to all of the most relevant information, then you will be able to keep your viewers attention and have a better shot of moving up in search engine results.
From pre-production through post-production, our video production services are aimed at helping you easily navigate the process from start to finish. We do everything for you when producing video, from writing to shooting to editing. Yes, your startup video production company has you covered!
What are other ways to make your startup video production captivating?
Very light amounts of storytelling halfway through the video can help keep the viewer's attention such as B-roll footage or light amounts of stock footage. Motion graphics are needed to give it a slick and professional feel as well. Avoid cheap cartoons, as animated explainer videos are often skipped past on YouTube.
Production value is everything when dealing with promoting a startup. Video production for startups is both an art and a science. You must follow the best practices at all times while also having just enough creative instinct to deliver a very slick, professional and attention getting start-up video.
B2B Video Production for startups
We know how to boil down your complex ideas into slick brand videos and deliver a trustworthy feel to corporate videos. Using a tutorial approach to make your explainers feel like educational videos.
Your demo videos for B2B Startups should feature a strong emphasis on features, and illustrate how the software integrates with a business workflow or tech stack.
The type of video for B2B startups is very different than a B2C video. A strong, well-spoken host delivering information and the focus should be on user-interface and motion graphics. Video marketing for start ups has an advantage when the video answers questions that people are searching for online, as including the right keywords in the answers can allow your video to have extra organic traction.
B2C Video Production for startups
When marketing a sass to consumers it is important to have more of a TV commercial-like approach. Lots of lifestyle shots to help show how the product fits into their everyday life. Following best practices for product videos is the right marketing strategy when dealing with B2C SAAS Products.
Having a suite of videos, both professionally shot widescreen, and what is known as user-generated content (UGC) for mobile phone app such as Instagram and TikTok is key.
Redundancy of outreach
Using retargeting pixels with YouTube Google or signing up for retargeting on Facebook and Instagram allows the same viewer to be reached multiple times on multiple platforms with multiple videos.
Brainiac offers bulk rate video pricing that allows you to really hammer your potential audience on several different platforms with consistently fresh content designed specifically for that platform. Book a zoom consultation with brainiac now and we will take you from start to finish and bring your start up to the masses.