Tech Video Production

Tech Video Production that grabs the viewer
Promoting technology needs to be done in a way that is slick quick, and reaches the audience with excitement if it is a B2C product. For B2B products, a slower and more detailed description is usually expected. Tech video production is where it all starts.
The Different Types Of Tech Video Production
Brainiac offers tech video production for both consumer goods and software as service products. With hundreds of videos under our belt, we can guide you to the very best choices to make your video as compelling and your product as exciting as humanly possible. Our production services go beyond just making your video content look pretty.
We create videos that factor in everything from brand voice and brand integrity to using post-production with the best video technology strategies to optimize the video for search engines.
Consumer Electronics and Physical Tech Products Best practices
We make them looks slick and incorporate a ton of lifestyle-type shots into the video to help the viewer understand how great this new product can make their lives.
Your video should show very quickly and concisely what the product does and what problems or gaps in the consumer's life your tech product solves. When you are a consumer goods or electronic product, you absolutely must show how the product integrates with your buyer's lifestyle. Show it with the kind of person who is most likely to purchase a product in environments where the product would be.
Software Tech Video Production Best Practices
Avoid cheap cartoon templates when convincing your audience that your technology is amongst the best on the market. Utilize a combination of live actors, screen grabs of the user interface, light motion graphics, and voice-over to guide the audience through what makes your software or app most impressive.
Tech Video Production Necessities Checklist
High-quality production value is crucial for consumer tech video production.
Modern style high gloss camera work, excellent color correction, and motion graphics are of the utmost importance when promoting a high-tech product. Audiences care less about seeing the product on a white concave and more about how it integrates with their life in a way they can relate to.
Demonstrate the product features effectively
This can be done fast without being long drawn out or boring. Quick bullet points or large, powerful title cards are often more effective than tiny callouts or long descriptions. Make the product feel like a big deal no matter how small it is by the use of titles and voiceover and cool camera work.
Know your audience
Know who your audience is and make sure that you visually represent them with your casting. Brainiac gives you great casting options to choose from working with all of the best talent.
Steps for producing your tech video production
Step one - Consultation
Book consultation with your Director. Share links to the product help the Director, understand the price point, target audience, and unique features.
Step two - Tell us the features
Once we're started, your director will send you the client dashboard as a Google sheet. Here you can give the team your brand guidelines, such as font brand colors, and upload any logos or other brand assets that can be useful in the video.
Your dashboard will have columns that allow you to list off each of the special features and any other messaging that you would like included in the screenplay as well as any locations that you were looking for.
Step three - Scriptand planning call
Book your script call with the Director. The Director will look over all of your notes on messaging. Ask your Director questions relevant to the video. Propose locations and cast members and go over the first draft of the screenplay with you. Once you approve the screenplay and cast, the video is usually shot within roughly 4 to 6 weeks depending on the current queue.
Step four - Production Process
Shooting begins. In some cases, the director may ask you to hop on a zoom or WhatsApp call during shooting in order to further detail with the cast exactly how the product is used if it is a more complex product. Brainiac loves making sure that your product is shown exactly in the light that you prefer.
Step five - Optimization for distribution
Next you'll receive your video along with any other assets you have requested. If you are marketing a consumer goods product, it is highly recommended that you order not just your main brand video and product video but also a series of social videos to release on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook as it is not much more expensive to order multiple videos shot in the same day it is to simply do one .
Each platform has different best practices for your Tech Video
Tech videos on YouTube are typically 30 to 60 seconds if it is a consumer product and between 90 seconds to three minutes if it is a software explainer.
Tech promotions on TikTok are typically 8 seconds to 12 seconds and have a user-generated content feel to them as opposed to a slick commercial as that gives it a better chance of traveling organically.
Instagram videos are often times anywhere between 10 seconds and 30 seconds and using carousels is currently known to give your product a lot more reach, shooting multiple pieces of content to include in the carousel at the same time is very key.
Facebook has widescreen for desktops and also can use videos similar to your Instagram feed (yet maybe just a little bit longer) depending on the type of product you’re pushing.
We will lead you through all of the practices to product to a more visible place within the social media landscape. Book consultation with brainiac today.